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The Ad Hoc Tick-Borne Disease Action Committee Held a Meeting on Wednesday,
May 25, 2011 at the Booth Library, Newtown, CT


Present: ~Mark Alexander, Kirk Blanchard, Neil Chaudhary, David Delia, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Peter Licht, Michele McLeod. ~Absent: ~Kim Harrison, George Miller, Maggie Shaw, and Robert Grossman ~~
Also Present: ~First Selectman Pat Llodra, Pat Boily, and Dave Shugarts

Dr. McLeod convened the meeting at 8:05 p.m. ~


  • Dr. Ostfeld Speaker Summary:  Dr. McLeod advised that Dr. Ostfeld had reviewed and returned his speaker summary; final version circulated 5/23/11 electronically to TBDAC members.  
  • Speaker/Conference List:  Reviewed by committee, edits to be made by Dr. McLeod.
  • Faison Figures - Deer Travel Distance:  Dave Delia has obtained conflicting information from two authorities, will clarify.
  • Revised Metrics Section:  Reviewed by committee.  Edited Metrics section approved.  After discussion, withdrawal of additional three proposed resolutions in favor of epidemiologist determining best methods of accurate data collection and evaluation of such data.  Motion made by Mr. Alexander to withdraw the new recommendations from consideration and seconded by Dr. Chaudhary.  Motion carried unanimously.
  • Defining the Problem Section:  First Selectman clarified parameters that she would expect for data, statistics and other information contained in Report.  Dr. Boily to revise Defining the Problem section as per Committee discussion and First Selectman’s clarification.
  • Deer-Vehicle Crash:  Discussion regarding clarification of charts and data.  Dr. Chaudhary to revise.
  • History:  Revised version by Kim Harrison and Dr. McLeod approved.
  • Appendices:  Dr. McLeod to circulate a list of appendices to Committee members.  Each committee subsection requested to review the list and to submit comments re additions, changes or corrections upon receipt.

  • First Selectman Llodra confirmed that she expects a balanced Final Report that reflects all sides of the issues covered in the report, and requested that the Final Report be written in a style that can be read by a non-scientific reader.  Mrs. Llodra requested a Final Report that reflects all viewpoints written in a consistent editorial manner.

  • Dr. Chaudhary motioned to approve the minutes of March 30, 2011.  Dr. Licht seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as written.   
  • Dr. Chaudhary motioned to approve the minutes of May 18, 2011.  Mr. Blanchard seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended..  

  • Executive Summary drafted by Kim Harrison and Dr. McLeod discussed.  Clarification and corrections discussed.  Rewording of current Recommendation 3 under Deer-Related (mixed lethal and non-lethal) suggested by Dr. McLeod was approved by present Committee members.   Dr. McLeod to poll absent Committee members, and if they agree to rewording, that Recommendation to be reworded.  Rewording of Recommendations previously containing the abbreviation “DVA” to be changed to “DVC”.   Order of Recommendations in Executive Summary to be revisited at next meeting.

  • Final Report is near completion and Committee members will endeavor to complete Report by mid-June 2011.
  • Committee decided that an Introduction Section would be redundant (content covered in Executive Summary, Defining the Problem and History Sections) and unnecessary.
  • Clinical (Dr. Licht and Kim Harrison), Forest (Dave Delia, Kirk Blanchard, and Mary Gaudet-Wilson), Metrics (Mark Alexander) and Deer-Tick (Mark Alexander, Kim Harrison) Sections:  format references within section and bibliography as per APA citation reference guide circulated by Dr. Chaudhary. (
  • Defining the Problem (Dr. Boily), Executive Summary (Dr. McLeod), DVC (Dr. Chaudhary), Faison speaker summary (Dave Delia), and Speaker list (Dr. McLeod), list of Appendices (Dr. McLeod):   revise as per Committee discussion, format references/bibliography.
  • Draft Table of Contents (Dr. McLeod).  Committee to discuss order of sections at June 8 meeting.
  • Education, Vaccine, Additional Town Management, History Sections:  complete.
  • GOAL:  Above work to be performed within one week, Dr. Chaudhary and Dr. McLeod to edit as per First Selectman’s request, with a complete Final Report redlined with all edits to be reviewed at next meeting on June 8, 2011.
Adjournment – Dr. Alexander motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 pm.   The motion was seconded by Ms. Gaudet-Wilson.  The motion was approved unanimously.